Welcome to the new standard of COVID-19 solutions.
Covid-19 Therapeutic Research Company
Featuring groundbreaking technologies that assess, diagnosis, and treat COVID-19 like never before.
CovInnovations™ is a company created to bring to market three COVID-19-related technologies: a successful treatment, a 2-minute RNA test and a susceptibility test. Company efforts have focused primarily on the treatment, since of the three technologies this has the greatest potential for social and financial benefit in the shortest amount of time.
Our products are designed to alleviate the fear, significantly reduce the deaths, relax the restrictions we face in our community and integrate our world back to pre-pandemic times.

Our Mission
Our mission is to discover novel and efficacious therapies, tests, assessments, and diagnostics to alleviate pandemic infectious diseases that impact our global community.
Our Vision
Our vision is to rid the world of infectious diseases.
Our Values
What we do will be governed and scrutinized by our principles and obligations to be accountable, inclusive, excellent, transparent, trustworthy, determined, persistent, and to demonstrate an unwavering focus on and support of patients, families, caregivers, and medical professionals.
Committed to Defeating COVID-19
As COVID-19 continues to cripple nations across the world physically and economically, Covinnovations™ offers a solution in the form of COVI-001.
This groundbreaking treatment is used to directly combat and halt COVID-19 after people have become infected with the disease, particularly those with intense reactions who have been hospitalized and are receiving oxygen.
CovInnovations™ was created to develop technologies and solutions directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our patent-pending treatments are a true game changer in the battle against COVID-19.